S. O. S.
Organisation Projekt Šance, o. s.
Mission and main types of activity The first preventative and humanitarian programme for commercially sexually exploited children and adolescents living in oblivion on the street in CZ…
History STREET WORK CENTRE (Ve Smečkách 28, Prag 1)
Has been operating since 1998 in collaboration with the City District of Prague 1. The Street Work Centre underwent total reconstruction in 2005/2006 and now offers clients complex services and facilities as part of the EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE programme.
DŮM ŠANCE (Nepomucká 5, Prag 5)
Has been operating since 2005 in collaboration with the City District of Prague 5. We are currently negotiating a long-term lease and reconstruction financed from EU funds. For the time being, Dům Šance is an alternative education and leisure centre. A workshop will open here in 2007.
Both centres offer clients a food programme. The price for centre services is symbolic and designed to teach clients that everything they need in normal life costs something.
Project name WORKSHOP 2007 at Dům Sance
Purpose of the project Although PROJEKT ŠANCE tries to find clients permanent jobs, going to work straight from the street without any social skills, is impossible for most clients. The PROJEKT ŠANCE workshop will be a “transfer station” for clients, where they will learn the necessary social skills.
Project objectives Short-term objective
To improve the financial situation of Projekt Šance clients with the possibility of short-term stabilisation (food, housing).
The acquisition of basic social skills required for integration into the work process. Sheltered job positions will subsequently be created for clients at Projekt Šance partner companies, based on individual assessment. If clients can cope with work in a sheltered position, then their ŠANCE (CHANCE) to find a job on the labour market is higher.
What will clients make? To assemble ballpoint pens, hand paint cups and candles, assemble bracelets, etc. Most items will bear the name of the client that made them and will be hand wrapped.
Project risks In individual cases, the process of integration into the work process can mean several years of collaboration with attempts to begin work, failures, departures and returns… However, the Alternative Education programme, Dům Šance project and workshop have all been adapted to these circumstances from the beginning. If a client fails, leaves the programme and returns to the street, the Alternative Education programme and our help will ALWAYS BE IN REACH.
Number of clients that the project will help If we manage to maintain the workshop project, we can expect approximately 25 – 30 clients to take part, who will undergo the “workshop – sheltered job – normal job” process according to their individual rate of “development”.
Project benefits The successful resocialisation of clients through the experience they gain in the workshop. Short-term work at the workshop will also have a positive impact on individual clients.
Project impact in the case of its successful realisation Many more clients will be resocialised and gradually return to a normal life in society.
More clients will also begin to think about the benefits of work and its value; their everyday lives will improve.